Patriotic Confession

Lyrics by Stan Nussbaum
Music by
Stuart Brown

Get America singing and praying!

Go to Bandcamp for
The Performers Pack*

* performance, backing tracks, video & sheet music

Dedicated to MUSIC that engages people

Whatever your interest in music, I want you to enjoy this website.

Thanks to Caroline Allard for some truly lovely photographs of Cornwall.


Take a journey through my music, with audio tracks, videos and detailed commentaries.


Ask about anything that you find on this website.

Music That Moves People

in many countries

It's a simple fact of life that my music is far more popular abroad than in my own country. People tell me that I should write this or that if I want to be better known but ... you know what? that's not why I write music! I want my music to move people: and it does so from California to Indonesia and Australia. I know what I want to say and how to say it - people can make of it what they want. I'm not interested in trends nor am I interested in following people.

Sample Portfolio

Four examples of my work. Go to Discover for the full works!

